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First Capitol Lions Committees

Our clubs success is contributed by the members who volunteer their time to Serve the community. The committees are designed to organize events and fundraisers throughout the year.





The membership lead ensures new and prospective Lions have the information and criteria needed to join the club.


Sight is one of Lions defining causes Since Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917, Lions have worked on projects designed to prevent blindness, restore eyesight and improve eye health and eye care. Lions are actively involved in:

  • Collecting eyeglasses to recycle.

  • Supporting Lions Eye Banks that provide eye tissue for sight-saving surgeries.

  • Screening the vision of local people in need.

  • Providing treatment to those at risk of losing their vision.

  • Vision screenings.


The Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project (AHAP) enables Lions to provide high-quality low cost hearing aids to individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford them. In AHAP, Lions work with local hearing care professionals. AHAP’s continuum care model involves not only providing hearing aids to those in needs, but also giving them comprehensive care which includes testing, fitting the aids and providing follow-up care.  


Leo clubs are designed for community youth, ages 12 to 18, to provide opportunity for charitable development under the guidance of a Lions Club. They learn leadership skills, experience teamwork, see community change and develop positive traits they can bring with them to adulthood.


The First Capitol Lions host an annual Charity Golf Scramble on every August at Saint Peters Golf Course. The day starts with “the best Bloody Mary’s on the planet”. The cost is $100 per player with 4 people to a team. There are silent auctions, attendance prizes, raffle baskets, 50/50's and much more. There are also numerous sponsorship opportunities if you would like to promote your business or donate to a great cause. Thank you everyone for your ongoing support for the First Capitol Lions and their fundraisers.


By far the most popular fundraiser of the Club. The First Capitol Lions run a beer booth at the St. Charles Oktoberfest to raise funds for the club. Members and friends of members can dress in their Lederhosen and Dirndls and serve huge steins of beer all weekend. The beer booth is optimally located in the main tent where the authentic German band play so volunteers are part of the action all weekend long.

Texas Hold 'Em:

The Club hosts Texas Hold Em nights where your donation includes poker chips, food, beer, snacks and beverages. $500 minimum in guaranteed prizes. We see return players time after time due to the level of play, food and service to the players.


Annual event held last Saturday before Beer and Chicken Dance with tables of 8 including beer and soda, bring your own snacks and enjoy the evening with raffles, silent auction and more.

Green Team:

The First Capitol Lions is part of Adopt a Highway. We have proudly adopted the stretch of land on Hwy 70 as you enter in St. Charles. The team meets quarterly for clean up.


The Promotions committee provides the marketing and promotions for all the fundraising events. They also bring attention to any need or event Lions want to bring to the attention of the community.

Gun Raffle:

Twice a year, Lions sell tickets for a Gun Raffle. 400 tickets are sold for $50 a piece. For 21 days, a ticket is drawn and the winner wins a pre-selected gun. The Gun Raffle is a highly desired ticket throughout the county and the raffle usually sells out in days.

Derby Day:

The Lions throw a big party for the Kentucky Derby! Activities include horse racing games, casino games, classic board games, photo booth, hat making station, prizes for best dressed and best hat. Annually held at the American Legion, the Lions Derby Day can accommodate up to 300 people.




520 N Benton Ave St. Charles MO United States 63301


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©2017 by First Capitol Lions Club

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